Friday, December 04, 2015

And the world cried.

In utter despair
they wail,
Their voices high,
Powerful with emotion.

They have been trampled
By mischief and terror,
Delivered to the hollow path
Of a stone god.

And their eyes,
Although closed,
Seek release
And forgiveness,

They pray
For the unseen,
The relentless,
Lords of silence.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Mighty urges

That die down
Washed away
In the throbbing drums 
Of death

In the pulse 
Of pain,
The heart wrenching certainty
Of roads not taken,

Our forces dwindling
And our power
But a trickle
That concedes at every turn

Our time grows near,
Our yields dwindle,
Days do run fast
Tick by tick

We are the poor
The ashamed,
Oh, broken, so broken,
The callous spirits

For whom history came to a close
And no tale was ever told.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lest the unwary should know

Of forlon paths grown and gone
Their seeds overbearing,
And the shades cold to the touch,

Of voices that sung without rest
But to the deafness of daylight,
And the silentest reproaches,

Of dreams of fever that receded
With calm and joy,
And the end times for our hopes,

We who wished,
We who searched,
We abhor your knowing,

Your light cast into the world.
Lest we become useless,
As those come before us.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Them walls

El cuadro se completa
Una pieza a la vez
Echa raíces entre socalos
Y curtiembres,

Se torna como un anillo
Poseido facilmente,
Hacia tu garganta,

Alli se levanta el monumento,
En el centro mismo de las palabras,
Donde golpean como martillo
Y atacan en asedio,

En esos parametros,
Se cierne la division,
Achica la luz,
Cierra el cerrojo.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Si sientes la vibracion,
El tono elevado
De la caida libre,
Entonces escuchas

El cristal romperse,
Sus fragmentos 
Convertirse en esquirlas
y su imagen esparcirse.

En el espejo
Ya nadie mira
Ni siquiera a traves,
Nadie te espera.

Monday, July 13, 2015


ya no entiendo tu canto
que se oye alejado,

ya no percibo tu forma
que se ve extraña,

ya no recuerdo tu heraldria
que se prueba fatigada

Para darte significado
Te lanzo al mar,
Para tomarte
Te separo de tu nombre,
Y te conviertes en fiebre intensa
Que desvaría mis miembros,
Te desdibujas en excusas
Que no creo,
Y de entre la podredumbre,
Entre el polvo,
La ceguedad,
De entre los caminos embarrados
De la lluvia tibia,
Tus dedos rotos sonríen,
Tu nombre se derrite
Junto a la pluma y el hierro.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Break thy river.

You dripped honey,
Your eyes followed me
As i twisted,
As i floundered,
And no plea for help
Could take me ashore

And that foul smile
Did not abathe,
For all you could know
Was to hate
And to pierce,
As a remnant out in the sea,
A castaway.

So i say, i cry,
In here, this bed of disgust,
That you may end what you start,
That venom that tastes sweet
May be what drowns me,
Let me wallow
In the heart that you devour.

Love thy fire.

I used to walk,
Past and by,
Through the same alleys
Where you found love
And foreign pulses
Of lust

I watched,
Paralyzed in the light of a tv
Taken, smiten,
By my desire of you

The trembling never did stop,
Not in my bed,
And certainly not
When i bought your touch
And you said:
Welcome home.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Try 5: Journey

We come
To meet our end

Blinded and mute,
We come without voice

Quietly daring
The ire

Of our final gods.

Try 4: Relapse

Steel shines
From your carapace,
Neutral grey,

Bringer of our light,
Our phantom,
Borrower of worlds

You, you are
The stream
Through which
We parade

Between doors,
Finding out
Our need of you.

Try 3: SLEEP

Oh, there is no rest,
Not for me,
My head vibrates
To a pulse

Of blue streak,
The charming walkway.
The unerring path,
Stained white

I dream
Out of sleep,
Floating by,

In the nightless sea,
Into you.

Try 2: Subspace

Your passengers
Let them sleep
While you drop

Into surface,
The liquid plains,
And the fall
Rises up

Give them peace
To dream
Of golden waves
And neon beats

Carry the young,
The naive,
Thrust them
Into yesterday


Into space,

The end,

The void
Of black clouds
Go ahead

Fall into place,
Your wings
We are gone.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Cancionero gastado.

Te canto
Con voz dormida,
A medias entre ira y somnolencia,

Para no quedarme callado,
Que no parezca yo
Un tipo que no te mira

Y los silbidos
Se me escapan
De puro chabon,

Te busco
Con estas letras
Que no tienen harmonia

Como si tus manos
Pudieran apretar
Los murmullos que no explico.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

En un rincon.

Me escabulli,
Cuan pronto pude,
Menti a quien cruzara
Y me vesti de luto

Pero era obvio
Que huia de otros monstruos
Que se detenian
En un rincon

De mi habitacion,
Y no hubo saludos ni silbidos,
Ni amenazas o golpes
Que me adrementaran

Yo corria,
Como corre quien se detiene,
Escapando como se debe,
Sin mirar para volver

A los fuegos que arden,
Entre tormentas,
Los que azota el viento
De las historias.


Cristales nublados,


Tan perdidos,
Y aun asi,

Y brillan

Esos rios
Que se cierran.

Gigante, te saludo.

Recorto tu silueta
Con mis pequeñas palabras
Me ahinco
Con el llanto

Herido caigo,
A tus pies
De andante,
Amigo mio,

Te recuerdo
Como quien ve la distancia,
Pero que horizonte queda,
O que sueño alcanza

Si en tu sombra
Todos crecen
Pero nadie ya te abraza,
Hombre de mil trazos

Hoy he muerto un poco,
Muerto contigo,
Me he ido,

Porque en tu ausencia descubro
Que ya no llego tan alto,
Ni canto tan fino,
Hoy que te he perdido.

- En memoria a Oswal.
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